They are here!
(In which the author does a mad little dance for glee, and rambles a bit on inconsequential topics)
26.05.2005 13 °C
As such things go, the announcement to the site of the blogs apparently came three minutes after I finally headed off to bed last night. I knew they'd go live that night, and so I had been waiting around - but alas, even one such as I needs sleep every once in a while.
Although the vast majority of work on the blogs had been done before I came aboard, it's still the first of (hopefully) many new features that I have worked on, that I can actually point to and say, "see? I did that" ...moments before watching a sudden tornado descend from the sky and grind it into tiny tiny little pieces. (Hey, the travellerspoint server is standing in the USA. It totally could happen!)
For the moment these blogs are just that, blogs - but the plans for future extensions to them are really interesting. Will be cool to see how it all works out.
Haha, just missed out on the big launch eh? Yeah, I noticed a bug in the moving of diary entries that needed desperate fixing, so it took a bit longer than planned.
Thanks for all your help on this Sander -- looking forward to many more great things to come.
by Peter